Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ending Recap for November

Well, we're really coming down to it now. Hard to believe this is the end of November, and the contest is heading into the home stretch. Of course, it's always hard to believe when it's almost the end of the year. Why does time have to go so fast? Well, anyway, let's see how things stand now.

If you've been following the leaderboard, you'll know how things stand. If you haven't, well you're about to find out. Actually, either way you're going to find out.

In 1st I'm still going strong with a whopping 96 wins in total. I never knew I could play so much. No, seriously, I really didn't think I could put that many wins on the board. Of course, at the beginning of this contest, I didn't think I'd even be on the board. boyward still trails in 2nd place with 79 wins, and megabuster44 holds on to 3rd with 67.

Sargus is still moving his way through 4th place with 58 wins, and Nelson S. still holds a firm grip on 5th with 26. And the rest are as follows:

  • smash - 6th place - 20
  • Luinnar - 7th place - 14
  • ChristianGamer & charlieturtle - 8th place - 7

It's something to see the range of games.

As far as the monthly changes go, we've seen some big numbers this month. Not to blow my own horn (too much) but I put up 16 wins this month. After a 3 week hiatus in October, I resolved to hit the ground running. I think I was running before I even knew I hit the ground again. But as impressive as that number is to me, I'm more impressed with boyward. He put up 10 wins this month, almost matching my pace.

We didn't see much of megabuster, smash, ChristianGamer or charlieturtle this month. We did see some action from Sargus, Luinnar, and Nelson S. though, with 5, 2, and 1 win(s) respectfully.

So, that sums up November.

While I can't speak for the other competitors, I can tell you that I've enjoyed November. Yes, I've played a lot of games, but it's the kind of games that I really enjoyed. I've enjoyed digging deep into my collection this month. I've gotten reacquainted with some old favorites, like Sonic 3, Mario Party 4, Rocket Knight Adventures, and Fire Emblem. I've finally beaten games that I didn't think I could beat, like Ballz and Mega Bomberman. I've discovered a few new games that I just found really enjoyable, like Mario and Sonic's trip to London for the Olympics or even stepping into Natsume's wrestling ring. And then I finally beat a game that I'd spent most of this year trying to conquer - Square's Bravely Default. I wasn't the first to beat it this year, but just beating it was worth it.

But winning all those games sure took its toll. There was a lot I didn't get to do this month. I can think of a few blog posts I would have liked to write. I know I haven't posted the next part of my Backlog Blues yet. And there are plenty of others. But maybe I'll make up for lost time.

I can't begin to say with any accuracy what will happen as the contest heads into its final month. If I could say anything like that with any accuracy, you'd probably see me on the news having guessed what the winning lottery numbers were. So, I'll just tell you what I expect we'll see for December. I expect will see the gloves come off. I expect we'll see a lot of wins posted as we all scramble to try to edge out the competition. I expect a lot of wins to report from a lot of people.

Who they are and what those wins will be? I have no idea. But the finish line is in sight. And I'll be running my hardest.

So, who do you think will win? Do you think November's leaderboard says it pretty well, or do you think we'll be in for some big upsets?

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