Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ending Recap for November

Well, we're really coming down to it now. Hard to believe this is the end of November, and the contest is heading into the home stretch. Of course, it's always hard to believe when it's almost the end of the year. Why does time have to go so fast? Well, anyway, let's see how things stand now.

Friday, November 21, 2014

My Crushing Defeats (Or Games that Got the Better of Me)

Hello again, readers, gamers, and all you other people. I thought since I was pretty inactive during half of November, I'd make up for a little lost time. So, here's another post, and once again, it's about games and the contest, but this time, it's not about my most recent win or the experience of playing. This time, I'm here to tell you now what I didn't win, yeah, yeah.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Halfway Through November

My, my where does time go? I wish I knew, especially when it came to this little contest. Of course, knowing where all my time goes in real life might help to. I'd sure like to drag some of that time back a ways. But what can you do?

Anyway, that's enough musing, unless I happen to play a game that revolves around time travel...let's see, Chrono Trigger, Prince of Persia, the 2nd Mario & Luigi game, wait didn't I do that one already? Now, let's get down to business. Or would this contest be more pleasure?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Stepping Back into the Ring

I could make all kinds of cracks about the title of this post. After all, I've been a bit out of the gaming scene for a while, so you could say I've been out of the ring. Or you could say I haven't posted much lately, so I've been out of the ring on this blog too. Yeah, I could attach all kinds of meanings to this, but there's really only one I intend on - a fighting ring.