Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Crossing the Finish Line - Final Contest Recap

And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...Okay, maybe that's a tad dramatic, but we are seeing a few curtains fall. We've seen 2014 close after all. And with the end of the year, we also see the end of the first ever games beaten challenge on Guide2Games.

It's been a real blast, but I'll tell you more about that later. Right now, let's just look for one last time at the leaderboard.

Crossing the finish line in 1st place with a grand total of 133 games is...yours truly, SeriousGamer. Over the course of December, I added 37 wins. It may sound a bit like bragging, but even I'm impressed by that.

Our 2nd place finalist is boyward with a grand total of 89 and a monthly change of 10 for December.

And last but not least, our 3rd place finalist is megabuster44, who comes in with a final count of 73 and a monthly change of 6.

Let's give them all a big round of applause, although that does sound pretty weird coming from the guy who won. And what do they win, you might ask. Well, I did design some certificates for the winners. I couldn't afford to give out a 20 volume set of the encyclopedia, a case of turtle wax, and a  year's supply of Rice-a-Roni after all.

The three finalists and their total scores and games won will also have a place on the new Hall of Fame page. Maybe next year, we'll see some new names and rankings.

Now, if you think this is just going to be about the finalists, you're wrong. Yeah, that's a bit blunt, but hey, it's true.

We've also seen some good numbers and impressive wins from our other contenders. Sargus did manage to hold on to 3rd place for a while, and he finished strong with 64 games in total. Our other competitors also managed some very impressive games. One in particular is Nelson S. who added the very long and very difficult The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It takes a lot to win a game like that, boy I should know, and he's earned himself an honorary award for it. So, let's give Nelson a big hand for that. That was truly an accomplishment.

And well, I guess that's it. If a new contest comes up this year, they'll be plenty more to say from me. But if not, well they'll be something to say. I still plan to game after all.

Congratulations to all of those who took part in this first contest. All of you really gave it your best.

1 comment:

  1. That was so much fun, SG! I really enjoyed this competition. Even though I beat less than a hundred games than you, it still felt good to add one extra game to the list! And like you said, even if there isn't another contest, I'll still be keeping track of games beaten in 2015!
